Limericks are good,Because a little non sequitur never hurts. :)
but limericks are scarce.
For flaws in my grammar,
a limerick bares.
A limerick this is not,
for limericks have lines five.
And humour that is shot,
and rythm that feels alive.
A limerick is nonsense verse,
not a self referential song.
A limerick is always terse,
and this is far too long.
Spontaneous is this flow,
in case you think otherwise.
Spontaneous, but slow,
and easy due to size.
To create one, it takes minutes,
mistakes and backspaces abound.
It stretches to the limit,
my frugal will to astound.
This hobby is dilettantish,
and superficial, as hobbies go.
so ideas you may squish,
of writing, the world to show.
How does one make a rhyme?
Why, find words that chime.
Around them the lines climb,
but beware- it takes time.
The limerick skill,
I wish to hone.
Ah, to wield my quill,
and wave like a drone.
Writing limericks was fun,
but now its gotten boring.
Get back I shall to prose,
before you start ignoring.
(Oh, and here are a few real limericks.)
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