Saturday, 7 July 2007

On notice boards

The local university has an Institute of Fluid Mechanics, and an Institute of Computational Engineering. (I do not work at either of these places.) Not surprisingly, these two buildings are neighbours- one of them frames problems for the other to solve.

What really tickles me, though, is what the computational engineers have on their walls. At the entrance to the local supercomputer room:

(If you knew German, you'd be cracking up about now.)

Their notice boards are a crack!

(Humorous Sysadmins?)

I know- its blurred- but I've read the original, and I have no clue either. Blurting "Neumann!" a few times didn't work.

Here's how you write "Hello World" in every programming language known to man:

I don't know what this is about, but hey, Homer-

Vollwaschmittel translates roughly to "whole washing powder"- but whether its an actual product or an obscure, elaborate practical joke is anybody's guess.

UPDATE: Their sense of humour goes beyond notice boards- gaze at the door to the washroom:

And finally, a painting that is simultaneously anachronistic and incongruent. If it serves any purpose in the computational engineering department other than to puzzle the viewer, I am unaware of it.

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